6 Months
Linux Administration and Shell Scripting
Artificial Intelligence ( AI )
Last Update:
03 March 2025
Linux is an indispensable skill for students, cloud engineers, and DevOps professionals alike, providing the foundation for working with modern infrastructure, cloud platforms, and automation technologies
Module 1: Introduction to Linux for DevOps
- Overview of Linux Operating System in DevOps
- Understanding Linux distributions and their role in DevOps (Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, etc.)
- Basic Linux commands and file system navigation
- Working with users and permissions (chmod, chown, umask)
- Process management (ps, top, kill, nice)
- Understanding the Linux boot process and services
Module 2: Essential Linux Commands for DevOps
- File and directory operations (ls, cp, mv, rm, mkdir, rmdir)
- Searching files and directories (find, locate, grep)
- Working with text files (cat, less, more, head, tail, awk, sed)
- Redirecting and piping output (>, >>, 2>&1, |)
- Using tar, zip, and gzip for file compression and extraction
- Basic networking commands (ping, ifconfig, netstat, ssh, scp, curl, wget)
Module 3: Understanding and Managing Processes
- Managing processes (ps, top, kill, pkill, bg, fg)
- Scheduling jobs (cron, at)
- Process management using systemctl and service
- Background and foreground processes, nohup
- Resource monitoring (free, df, du, iostat, vmstat)
Module 4: Working with Files and Text Processing
- Regular expressions with grep, sed, and awk for text processing
- Advanced text processing with sed, awk, and perl
- Using cut, sort, uniq, tr for data extraction and transformation
- Editing files using vi, vim, and nano
- Understanding log files and log rotation
- Parsing and analyzing logs in DevOps environments
Module 5: Introduction to Shell Scripting
- Basics of shell scripting: structure, variables, comments, and syntax
- Writing your first shell script
- Making scripts executable and running them
- Understanding and using shebang (#!/bin/bash, )
- Using control flow (if-else, loops, case)
- Functions and arguments in shell scripting
Module 6: Shell Scripting for Automation
- Automating common administrative tasks (system updates, backups, and monitoring)
- Writing scripts to interact with Linux system services (systemd, service)
- Automating deployments, application setup, and configuration management
- Using environment variables and configuration files in scripts
- Logging and error handling in scripts
Module 7: Managing System Services with Shell Scripting
- Understanding and managing systemd services
- Writing systemd service unit files
- Automating start, stop, and restart of services using shell scripts
- Creating custom service scripts for monitoring, logging, and notifications
- Writing scripts to manage application environments
Module 8: Package Management and Software Installation
- Installing, updating, and removing packages using apt, yum, and dnf
- Understanding package managers in different Linux distros
- Automating software installation and updates via scripts
- Working with Docker images and containers from shell scripts
- Using configuration management tools (Ansible, Puppet, Chef) through shell scripts
Module 9: Networking and Security in Linux for DevOps
- Configuring networking interfaces and firewall using iptables and ufw
- Configuring SSH for remote access and automation
- Understanding and implementing SSH key-based authentication
- Writing shell scripts for system security (log monitoring, user management, file permissions)
- Using iptables and firewalld for firewall management
- Network troubleshooting tools (traceroute, tcpdump, netcat)
Module 10: Advanced Shell Scripting for DevOps
- Writing complex shell scripts for system monitoring (disk space, memory, uptime, services)
- Automating log collection and reporting
- Creating cron jobs for regular maintenance tasks
- Integrating shell scripts with other DevOps tools (Git, Jenkins, Docker)
- Scripting for Cloud infrastructure management (AWS CLI, Azure CLI, GCP SDK)
Module 11: Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) with Shell Scripting
- Automating CI/CD pipelines using shell scripts
- Integrating with Jenkins, GitLab, and GitHub for automated deployments
- Writing scripts to automate testing, build, and deployment processes
- Using shell scripts for rollback and versioning of deployments
Module 12: Troubleshooting, Debugging, and Best Practices
- Debugging shell scripts (set -x, set -e)
- Error handling and reporting in scripts
- Best practices for writing maintainable shell scripts
- Using shell script version control and documentation
- Performance tuning and optimization for shell scripts

Kevin Perry
Optimize resource eveling innoation whereas visionary value. Compellingly engage extensible process with business process improvements.
127 courses
9999 students
Course Information
Instructor:Kevin Perry
Duration:6 Months
Course Level:Beginner